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Tag Archives: review

Advance reviews – from writer Paul Trembling

Waiting for the first responses to a new book is nerve-wracking and much as I love new readers, I don’t want to disappoint my loyal fans. Will they enjoy the new novel, especially if it’s a switch in genre? When those fans are also writers, then they don’t give praise lightly because their own reputation…
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Jaffa Reads Too

‘reminiscent of the age old tradition of gathering on cold night to tell stories, time and place sit comfortably within the time frame. There’s a real sense of history…’ Read more here!

Waggy Tales Blog

Day 5 – 7th Dec – I was fairly confident that a waggy tale blogger 🙂 would enjoy Nici’s Tale! So that’s a big sloppy 5 licks. ‘An extremely well-researched insight into the world of medieval shepherding as well as the natural instincts passed on from dogs to their offspring. It is a beautiful portrayal…
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Tales Before Bedtime

Another lovely review, this time from blogger Shelley Fallows. ‘This is a lovely, unusual Christmas tale that I thoroughly enjoyed. Although I am not familiar with The Troubadours Quartet and the adventures of Estela and Dragonetz, I have enjoyed getting to know their most loyal companion and I now look forward to reading more of…
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Recommended Book of the Month!

The launch for ‘Song Hereafter (TODAY!) just gets better and better. Top historical novelist and blogger Deborah Swift has made The Troubadours Quartet her book recommendation for the month. Jean Gill’s Song Hereafter, the final book in the series about troubadours Dragonetz and Estela is tour de force. Every character, and that includes the horses,…
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The Book Magnet reviews ‘No Bed of Roses’

When a blogger and Troubadours fan wanted to review my modern fiction, I was very nervous – I know that readers who like one of my (many) genres don’t always like the others. So happy and relieved to get a thumbs-up for No Bed of Roses from Michelle Ryles​ of The Book Magnet. I now…
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Trickster Eric Blogger Reviews ‘Plaint for Provence’

A 5* review for ‘Plaint from Provence’ from writer/blogger Brian Wilkerson, author of the Trickster Eric books. ‘There is no Big Bad because Miss Gill skillfully creates a Grey-and-Grey-Morality setting, and what is more impressive is that she does this without making everyone into a morally ambiguous jerk.’ It’s fascinating to read what a fan…
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Young blogger, Angel (13) reviews ‘On the Other Hand’

YA reviewer on 5 Girls Book Reviews blogs about my YA book ‘On the Other Hand’ – lovely to get feedback from a young reader and to know Ryan was her favourite character. Read the review here

Bladesong review on ‘Reading on Repeat’ blog

Another wonderful review, for ‘Bladesong’ this time, to keep me motivated. The fact someone took the time to write a review like this is really appreciated. Check out CourtneyLindemann ‘s blog – not just my review! This is how it starts Author: Jean Gill 5 of 5 stars Jean Gill has truly outdone herself withBladesong (sequel to…
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