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Tag Archives: Queen of the warrior bees

Interview about ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’

The true stories behind ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’ in this interview for Bookish Treats Blog. M: Can you share with us a little secret about Queen of the Warrior Bees that isn’t in the blurb? JG: Don’t tell anyone but… Read more… Queen of the Warrior Bees, Interview with Jean Gill and Giveaway

Advance reviews – from writer Paul Trembling

Waiting for the first responses to a new book is nerve-wracking and much as I love new readers, I don’t want to disappoint my loyal fans. Will they enjoy the new novel, especially if it’s a switch in genre? When those fans are also writers, then they don’t give praise lightly because their own reputation…
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Queen of the Warrior Bees

So excited about the first book in my new ecofantasy series and I love the cover by my designer Jessica Bell! One misfit girl and 50,000 bees: together they must change the world. Read more about the book and pre-order here (discounted pre-order price only on amazon)