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A Listener’s Slant Blog

reviews the audiobook of 'Queen of the Warrior Bees'

Wonderful review for ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’ audiobook from blogger ‘A Listener’s Slant – with well-deserved praise for my narrator and for my cover designer Jessica Bell. ‘I loved everything about this enchanting, and beautiful story.   I want to start with the cover art, it’s mystical and magical, draws you in and makes…
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Trickster Eric Blog review

for 'Nici's Christmas Tale'

What a wonderful review for ‘Nici’s Christmas Tale’ from Brian Wilkerson writer and blogger Trickster Eric. There are spoilers in the whole review, after the spoiler warning. Here are some highlights! Brian has been a Troubadours fan right from the start, which makes his enthusiasm – and huge compliments!! – all the more important to…
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Interview about ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’

for Bookish Treats Blog

The true stories behind ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’ in this interview for Bookish Treats Blog. M: Can you share with us a little secret about Queen of the Warrior Bees that isn’t in the blurb? JG: Don’t tell anyone but… Read more… Queen of the Warrior Bees, Interview with Jean Gill and Giveaway

What’s my guilty reading pleasure?

Find out in J J Marsh's blog interview.

Thanks to J J Marsh for inviting me onto her blog for a good grilling! JJ Do you have a guilty reading pleasure? Me Yes 😊 Find out more here!

Advance reviews – from writer Paul Trembling

for 'Queen of the Warrior Bees'

Waiting for the first responses to a new book is nerve-wracking and much as I love new readers, I don’t want to disappoint my loyal fans. Will they enjoy the new novel, especially if it’s a switch in genre? When those fans are also writers, then they don’t give praise lightly because their own reputation…
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Queen of the Warrior Bees

Available now on pre-order at discounted price $2.99 / £1.99

So excited about the first book in my new ecofantasy series and I love the cover by my designer Jessica Bell! One misfit girl and 50,000 bees: together they must change the world. Read more about the book and pre-order here (discounted pre-order price only on amazon)

Jaffa Reads Too

Day 7 Nici's Blog Tour

‘reminiscent of the age old tradition of gathering on cold night to tell stories, time and place sit comfortably within the time frame. There’s a real sense of history…’ Read more here!

By The Letter Blog Stop

Day 6 of Nici's Blog Tour

‘It certainly left me intrigued as to what the other books in the series are like as I enjoyed the time period of when the story was set. … ideal for fans of historical fiction and who are looking for a festive read. I liked how the main character was an animal and how it…
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Waggy Tales Blog

An enthusiastic tail wag for Nici

Day 5 – 7th Dec – I was fairly confident that a waggy tale blogger 🙂 would enjoy Nici’s Tale! So that’s a big sloppy 5 licks. ‘An extremely well-researched insight into the world of medieval shepherding as well as the natural instincts passed on from dogs to their offspring. It is a beautiful portrayal…
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The Writing Garnet

RNA top blogger reviews Nici

Another stop on the blog tour and another blogger loves Nici – I’ve stopped worrying about reviews now! ‘I must start this series from the beginning! A unique and captivating story – I really enjoyed it.’Read the full review and discover a blogger who won ‘Media Star of the Year’ in the Romantic Novelists Association…
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