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Tag Archives: book

Queen of the Warrior Bees

So excited about the first book in my new ecofantasy series and I love the cover by my designer Jessica Bell! One misfit girl and 50,000 bees: together they must change the world. Read more about the book and pre-order here (discounted pre-order price only on amazon)

Song Hereafter

A date for your diary if you’re a Troubadours fan – NOVEMBER 13th! Yes, the last book of the quartet is on its way and that’s the publication date. Here is the wonderful cover designed for me (as always) by Jessica Bell Make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter to get advance news and…
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New Troubadours book and new jackets

It’s been an exciting month! I’ve been working with the amazing designer Jessica Bell to create a brand look for my book jackets and to apply that to the new book ‘Plaint for Provence’ and to The Troubadours Quartet’. I love the new look! The ebook  ‘Plaint for Provence’ is now available to order –…
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Latest from the Wishing Shelf Awards

‘One Sixth of a Gill’ is a finalist in the Wishing Shelf Awards so it has gained this sticker but we authors have been told to await judgement before using it in case we have gold, silver or bronze… 3 weeks till we find out so meanwhile, this is the sticker in hand as opposed…
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