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Tag Archives: author interview

Interview about ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’

The true stories behind ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’ in this interview for Bookish Treats Blog. M: Can you share with us a little secret about Queen of the Warrior Bees that isn’t in the blurb? JG: Don’t tell anyone but… Read more… Queen of the Warrior Bees, Interview with Jean Gill and Giveaway

Litpick Featured Author

Thanks to LitPick Student Book Reviews​ for making me featured author! Great to see my oldest novel published at last! (I was 11 when I wrote it…) ***How did you get started writing? I’ve always loved writing stories. I wrote my first novel when I was 11, a dramatic adventure in 10 chapters, titled Jill’s…
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My interview with Meghan Riley

Find out more about ‘Someone to Look Up To’ – my interview on Meghan Riley’s blog