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Tag Archives: interview

Me in interview

If you would like to know more about me, I think this interview covers a lot, from my predictions about the impact of AI for writers and photographers, to my future projects (without AI) ‘Navigating around my garden in the fog using a sunstone’ sums up my life! Read more here!

What’s your favourite school story?

I was invited onto author Debbie Young’s blog to talk about my favourite story set in a school or with a school connection… check out what I chose! Read the blog interview here

Interview about ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’

The true stories behind ‘Queen of the Warrior Bees’ in this interview for Bookish Treats Blog. M: Can you share with us a little secret about Queen of the Warrior Bees that isn’t in the blurb? JG: Don’t tell anyone but… Read more… Queen of the Warrior Bees, Interview with Jean Gill and Giveaway

What’s my guilty reading pleasure?

Thanks to J J Marsh for inviting me onto her blog for a good grilling! JJ Do you have a guilty reading pleasure? Me Yes 😊 Find out more here!

My interview about ‘Someone To Look Up To’ on the Authors Show

Linda Thompson from the Authors Show asks me all about the book, my dogs and my life! Watch the video here

Interview by student readers

My teen books are featured on student review site and I had to think hard to answer their interview questions! Read the interview here and find out some of my secrets, like what I keep on my inspiration windowsill! You can watch and listen to top teen reviewer Ampster’s video review of ‘Left Out’…
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Croatian students interview me

This is a very special interview. The questions come from Croatian students who have been reading ‘Left Out’/’On the Other Hand’ with their teachers and who wanted to know more about the book and the author. How wonderful for one of my books to go on adventures like this! You should be able to read…
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Interviewed by Marcia Weber

It is wonderful to be able to hop across to Germany without leaving my own armchair here in France. Answering Marcia Weber’s questions made me think about The Troubadours Quartet in the light of the recent tragic events in Paris, which have sent shockwaves across France. I find familiar patterns in the 12th century and not all…
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Dragonetz does his first talk show

I didn’t think a medieval swordsman would enjoy a 21st century light-hearted chat show but all publicity is good publicity and of course Dragonetz never says no to a challenge 🙂 My thanks to host interviewer Jeremy Croston, author of a fantasy novel in which Norse Gods are mixed up with ice hockey (!) Enjoy the…
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A taste of 1152 Provence

A sneak preview of The Troubadours Bk 3 ‘Plaint for Provence’ and other secrets revealed in interview with Sunshine Somerville Only 25 more sleeps till publication day – getting excited now!