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The Last Love of Edith Piaf – Christie Baume (translated by Jean Gill)


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At the age of 26, Théophanis Lamboukas meets Edith Piaf, in January 1962. He is to become her second husband and the duo will perform her last big hit, ‘A quoi ça sert l’amour?’

When the star’s secretary, Claude Figus, introduces them to each other, Théo is so dazzled by ‘the Little Sparrow’ that he is speechless with emotion. Smitten, Edith confides to Figus, ‘I want to see your friend again so I can find out whether he’s as smart as he is good-looking, because he hasn’t said a word all evening.’

They are driven to see each other again and Piaf encourages Théo to take up a career as a singer. She invents his stage name, Sarapo (‘I love you’ in Greek). They form a couple in life and on the stage, until Piaf’s death on the 10th October, 1963. Théo, her last love, joins her seven years later, victim of a car accident.

Their wonderful and tragic story is evoked here by Christie Laume; the singer’s last months as they’ve never been revealed before.


Read an Extract

Excerpt: The Last Love of Edith Piaf

Publication Details:

Published: October 14, 2014
Publisher: Archipel
Book Type: Book
Book Format: Kindle/paperback
ISBN 10: 2809815925
ISBN 13: 978-2809815924
Kindle ASIN: B00O9US7VG