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Arrows Tipped with Honey: Book 2 Natural Forces

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Arrows Tipped with Honey: Book 2 Natural Forces


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Four misfit friends and 50,000 bees against the might of the Citadel. Standalone Book 2 in the award-winning epic fantasy trilogy Natural Forces
2020 Royal Dragonfly Award Winner
FINALIST in the 2020 Kindle Book Awards and Wishing Shelf Awards
Quarter-finalist in the Booklife Prize 2019, Author Shout Top Pick

Exiled in the Forest, Mielitta, Queen of the Warrior Bees, could be happy but for her responsibilities to the very people who think her a freak and a traitor. Her hopes for change in the Perfect society of the Citadel rest on one man.
Trapped in a society he loathes and fears, Mage Smith Kermon’s mission becomes a test of survival. Can he remain loyal to Mielitta in the double life he leads as her spy in the Citadel? He is quickly embroiled in deceit and subterfuge, forcing him into actions that make him doubt himself and everything he values.
Nobody can be trusted. Least of all the Mages bound to Mielitta’s treaty by blood oath. When the dead don’t stay dead, a broken oath could be Mielitta’s doom.
Block Nature out and she’ll force a way in.

‘An epic fight for nature,’ Deb McEwan, the Afterlife series
Jean Gill’s Natural Forces series offer a rich, strange, and alluring adventure that buzzes with intrigue and nature’  The Booklife Prize 2020

Read an Extract

Excerpt from Arrows Tipped with Honey

Publication Details:

Published: 24th April 2020
Publisher: The 13th Sign
Book Format: Paperback / kindle /ebook
ISBN 13: 979-10-96459-12-4
Kindle ASIN: B084WZP9LW

